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Air Gap

Have you ever wondered what that random silver piece is next to your faucet? It’s called an air gap!

When installed properly, the air gap prevents drain water from the sink from backing up into the dishwasher and possibly contaminating clean dishes. Also if there is ever a clog in the garbage disposal or p-trap, the water will spill out of the overflow and into your sink instead of going back into your dishwasher.

Air Gap

How the air gap is set up in your kitchen – your dishwasher drain line runs up and connects to the air gap. Then there’s a black hose that runs from the air gap to either your garbage disposal or your p-trap. The black hose cannot have any kinks in it or else it won’t work. It has to run straight down from the air gap into the garbage disposal or p-trap.


If you would like professional help with your air gap or you need one installed just fill out the form below!